Wednesday 12 June 2013

With lambing now over, we are at last getting a decent bit of grass growth, after a very long winter,however, the late season means that haymaking will also be delayed, so here's hoping for some good weather in mid-June.
We had 34 lambs this year, with 20 females and 14 males. Had our first ever cesearian which went very well, but unfortunately lost the last lamb born, however we did manage to successfully foster on a little Texel -cross tup lamb, which mother loves to bits!
Already we have been to 3 shows,- Ayr,Stafford and Cumberland, with Woolfest at Cockermouth coming up at the end of June.
Splashed out on a new trailer for this year, as the old one must be a good 35 years old and was a little bit of a worry for taking on some of the longer hauls down south.The sheep seem to like it ,what with it's 3 separate rooms, plenty of ventilation, and even a night light!